Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

Decapitated melden sich aus dem Studio

Momentan befinden sich DECAPITATED im "Radio Gdansk Studio" um ihr neues, noch unbenanntes Album ein zu spielen. Produziert wird das Werk von Wacek Kieltyka und Sound-Engineer Malta Arkadiusz Malczewski. Für das Schlagzeug und den Mix ist Daniel Bergstrand (BEHEMOTH, DIMMU BORGIR, KEEP OF KALESSIN) verantwortlich.

Schlagzeuger Kerim kommentiert:

"Hi guys, I just wanted to tell you what is going on in the studio. Today is the second day of actual drum recording and it goes really well! We will probably could finish about 4 songs today. We will see how the next days will look like but I think we should finish drums earlier. We do not have any bigger problems so it feels good to record in this place. The acoustics of this room sounds great so I enjoy playing all these songs a lot. Today is also the last day with Daniel Bergstrand, who prepared the drum sound for us. And he definitely knows what he's doing!!".

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